Thursday, November 15, 2007

/restroom mediator

+ Input element(s)
+ Processing
+ Output
+ Materials to be used
+ Size of prototype
+ Site
+ Broader issues the project addresses
+ An answer to the question, "Why responsive kinetic architecture?"

+ The input elements are multiple sensors consisting of two ultrasound sensors and a microphone sensor.

+ The processing includes a code written for the Basic Stamp 2 microcontroller that includes “If… And” operators to respond to certain input data.

+ The output consists of a flexinol wire and servo.

+ Materials used is polycarbonate, Flexinol wire, wood,

+ Size of prototype will be roughly 24” x 36”.

+ The site is in between a men’s and women’s restroom in a social environment.

+ This project addresses issues of privacy, revealing and concealing that responds to occupancy.

+ It creates an intuitive solution to mediating two environments that in today’s society is separate and apart.


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