Wednesday, November 14, 2007


+ Input element(s)
Online Database that contains the quality of air in various cities.

+ Processing
We will use our ability to process large data sets to make connections between values associated with air quality to provoke an understanding about air quality in a particular region, possible relative to a particular carbon producing social behavior or geographical location.

+ Output
We will output our data in the form of a magnetic field that can produce subtle variations in the surrounding environment.

+ Materials to be used
Electromagnets, metal cables, metal rods, pic microcontroller, and a laptop.

+ Size of prototype
Our prototype will operate somewhere between the scale of a wall panel and small piece of furniture.

+ Site
We are currently considering applying the project as an instillation that can operate in the context of an interior public space.

+ Broader issues the project addresses
The project should address environmental issues concerning air quality as well as address larger issues concerning the ever expanding data landscape created by telecommunications, and how architecture can interface with that landscape.

+ An answer to the question, "Why responsive kinetic architecture?"
Kinetic architecture can help us find a way to communicate complex ideas that may span multiple dimensions beyond traditional notions of space.


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