+ Input element(s)
light sensor and/or photovoltaics
+ Processing
Depending on the amount of light detected by the sensor or the electricity
generated by the photovoltaics, a certain percentage of the modules in the
facade will be activated.
+ Output
Opaque surface in which the dimensions are transformed by flexinol wire.
This is the module to be repeated along a plane to create a facade condition.
Together, the modules act in changing the porosity of the facade.
+ Materials to be used
aluminum, plastic, fiber glass, fabric
+ Size of prototype
6" - 9" x 6" - 9" x 6" - 9"
+ Site
any south facing facade
+ Broader issues the project addresses
the facade porosity in response to the amount of sunlight
+ An answer to the question, "Why responsive kinetic architecture?"
to better serve the inhabitants of the building
# posted by Jacob : 7:55 PM